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Established in 2017

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Our mission is to report environmental crimes all over Albania and help preserving the wonderful biodiversity values of our small country!

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Syri Gjelbër

was firstly launched in 2017 in the framework of the project “Environmental Guardians – Let’s protect together what belongs to us”, financed by the US Embassy in Tirana through the Small Grants Programme of the Commission for Democracy.

Along these years our team gathered feedback from third parties and finally decided to give Syri Gjelbër a new visual identity and a new structure of reporting, in order to be more appealing and user friendly to everyone who wishes to report a crime.

The rebranding of this platform was carried out in 2021 in the framework of the project “Protected Areas for Nature and People”, which aims to:

  • Improve national policies for Protected Area management and biodiversity conservation;
  • Strengthen the accountability of decision makers;
  • Raise awareness of the importance of protected areas and biodiversity in general;
  • Promote and supporting civic activism; and
  • Increase the participation of local communities in the management of protected areas.
Environmental crimes are threatening our life and our future!
Help us preserve what we inherited for the generations to come!
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Olsion Lama

Project Manager at PPNEA

Olsion Lama manages the project “Protected Areas for Nature and People”, financed by WWF Adria and the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency. His research interests include the governance of protected areas and wildlife monitoring.

Ledi Selgjekaj

Project Manager at PPNEA

Ledi Selgjekaj manages the project “Balkan Detox LIFE”, financed by the European Union, MAVA Foundation, EuroNatur, Whitley Fund for Nature and Protection and Energy Efficiency Fund. This project aims to improve management of poisoning incidents and achieve significant reduction of mortality of vultures and other affected species caused by wildlife poisoning.

Zydjon Vorpsi

Project Manager at PPNEA

Zydjon Vorpsi manages the project “Adriatic Flyway 4”, financed by EuroNatur. This project aims to reduce illegal killing and illegal taking of birds, poisoning, as well as electrocution and collision in some of the main migration corridors in Albania.